My name is Nainaraj and I am in BA (Final yr). My parents work as migrant labourers. We do not have any land for tilling; just sustain ourselves by working as labourers. I got associated to Grameen Swalamban Samiti through Balika Panchayat.
Earlier I used to be frightened whenever I had to speak. I always stayed alone at home. Whenever I had to buy anything from nearby shops, I was accompanied with a female friend.
When I got associated with Balika Panchayat I got to know about gender based discrimination, safe migration, violence against women, etc. A resource person regularly shares new information with us at the Panchayat and our confidence and knowledge is increasing.
It is in 2019 when my father had a scuffle with a fellow villager on the issue of theft. The accused later falsely charged my father with eve teasing. In few moments the police arrived and started to verbally abuse my father. My father was not at home but the police kept throwing verbal abuses against him at the door. I failed to control myself and asked them to leave our house. Police threatened me that they will put my father behind the bar and left. I was astonished to hear how an innocent person can be imprisoned.
When my father arrived, I went to police station along with him and shared our ordeal and gave all the details to them. Only then the police accepted our viewpoint and settled the case. That time I recalled the lessons I had at Balika Panchayat- always speak up against the injustice. No matter how big a person stands against you, if you are not wrong you must not be afraid.
Once at our school there was happening a dance competition. Teachers asked young girls not to participate in the dance competition. I felt this act of discrimination and asked a teacher why young girls cannot participate in a dance competition. There should be equality; not discrimination. Finally, teachers accepted young girls joining dance competition.
Village: Lakheri. Block: Baldevgarh. District: Tikamgarh