Eliminating discrimination and bringing change within

I am Rekha Ahirwar, 19 years old, currently studying in the first year of my Bachelor’s degree. My parents work as labourers. We are three siblings, two sisters and one brother, and all of us are pursuing our education. I have been associated with the Girls’ Council since 2019.

Before joining the Girls’ Council, I used to think:

  • Girls shouldn’t talk to boys.
  • Keeping distance from boys keeps girls safe.
  • Girls shouldn’t go out alone from home.
  • Girls who talk to boys should be kept at a distance. Girls shouldn’t be asked to do household chores. All household chores should be done by girls.

After joining the Girls’ Council, there has been a change in my thinking:

  • I sit with boys and ask questions.
  • I have the courage to say what is wrong and what is right.
  • I tell my brother to help with household chores.
  • I provide legal information to my parents about safe migration.
  • I go out alone and do my work.
  • The organization (Grameen Swalamban Samiti) has made me aware, and now I will oppose discrimination and harassment.

Rekha Ahirwar

Bal Panchayat, Village: …