I am Abhilasha, I am 16 years old. My family came from outside and is now living here. I was studying, but my father had an accident and has become disabled. My mother is working as a laborer to support us. We are a family of five.
I am associated with Garima Kendra, where I have learned to read and write. I also feel like going to school.
From Garima Kendra, I learned about child rights and how a girl can seek help from the helpline number.
Since my family is from outside, we do not have a ration card here. We do not have a voter card or an Aadhar card either. We don’t even get government rations. When I told this problem to Didi from Garima Kendra, she offered to help us with our paperwork. I want us to get cheap government rations. I want to go to school, and Garima Kendra can help me.
Garima Centre: Orchha
District Tikamgarh
Contact Person: Neeraj (Organization Worker): 9755573969